1 What is the size of a Table Tennis Table?
a. 10′ x 6′
b. 9′ x 5′
c. 8′ x 5′
d. 7′ x 6′
2. The height of a Table Tennis Table is:
a. 4′
b. 3′
c. 3′ 6″
d. 30″
3. How high is the net?
a. 8″
b. 7″
c. 6″
d. 5″
4. The white line running down the middle of the table is:
a. To divide the table into two halves
b. For the purpose of decoration
c. For doubles play
d. To play on one side at a time
5. For tournament play, what color should the ball be?
a. White
b. Yellow
c. Orange
d. Any of the above
6. The weight of the ball is
a. 3 grams
b. 2.5 grams
c. 1.5 grams
d. 1 gram
e. 2.7 grams
7. The Diameter of a ball is:
a. 1.5″
b. 2″
c. 1″
d. 2.5″
e. 40 mm
8. How many times would one player serve before the other player does?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
9. Which of the following numbers first represent a deuce game?
a. 18
b. 20
c. 19
d. 10
10. Which number constitutes a game?
a. 21
b. 20
c. 19
d. 11
11. By at least how many points must a game be won?
a. four points
b. three points
c. two points
D. one point
12. Which of the following represent an illegal racket surface?
a. Inverted rubber
b. Rubber with pips out
c. Hard rubber
d. Sandpaper
13. In a deuce game, how often does the serve alternate?
a. After each player serves the ball
b. After each player serves one time
c. After each player serves two times
d. After each player serves four times
14. How high must the server toss the ball?
a. At least 6″
b. At least three ”
c. At least 1″
d. Any height he or she wants
1. (B) ……..9′ X 5″
2. (D) ……. 30″
3. (C) ……. 6″
4. (C) ……. For Doubles play only
5. (D)…….. Any of the above
6. (E)……..2.7 Grams
7. (E)……. 40mm
8. (A)…….. 2
9. (D)…….. 10
10. (C)……. 11
11. (C)…….2
12. (D)……. Sandpaper
13. (B) …….After each player serves one time
14. (A)……. At least 6 inches