I have just read Gordon Kaye’s (CEO of USATT) communication to the members of the Organization and he has extended a hand by reaching out to all who are willing to contribute in regards to initiatives and programs and who can offer input as to how we can better be served going forward by the organization.
I became inspired by this action and I immediately reflected on the words of the late, great Martin Luther King, Jr. who said:
The progress of our Association, our Sport and our Players have always mattered to me and this is why I am prompted and encouraged to hopefully lead the way for others to follow because I know for a fact that only when the SPORT succeeds do we all succeed.
Now let’s ask ourselves, “How can the Sport succeed?” We must take a long, hard look at other successful Associations around the world as an example… what do they have in common?! “What steps did they take in order to organize and develop to such perfection?”
By no means do I have all the answers and I know that many would conclude that we do have an organization capable of taking care of whatever is necessary; let them do the work. True to a point but as of this posting let’s harmonize and put the pieces of this picture into perspective. Of course we have a Board of Directors (BOD)… but they set policies they do not do the physical work. These policies are then forwarded to the CEO. Again, he or she does not do the physical work but would have to delegate responsibilities to many people to carry out these functions. PEOPLE! Therefore, is the key in order to accomplish the kind of Programs I am about to recommend. Presuming that the BOD approves of my recommendation I would be willing to detail how the following Programs could be established and how they would work.
We need responsible volunteers who care.
We need to operate like a business.
We need an: OUTREACH Program. We need to coordinate people into the system. This can be done by the Staff at Headquarters.
We need to establish Associations beginning in just a FEW States of course (affiliated and accountable to USATT) with delegated responsibilities.
We need an Organized League Structure.
This is the kind of movement that would create activity and publicity that would also help increase our membership base along with ideas from other sources.
I would like to encourage everyone to get involved and offer suggestions no matter how insignificant you may think it is. Every little bit helps and remember: “THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE IS FAR GREATER THAN THE PEOPLE IN POWER” Cory Booker.